Edible bouquet for men


What to give to your beloved guy? This question is asked by many girls on the eve of the New Year, February 23, Valentine's Day, the anniversary of dating and other holidays. At the same time, I want to please, and surprise, and give something useful. An ideal gift (or addition to the main gift) is an edible bouquet. Such a gift is easy and simple to do with your own hands, given the preferences of the guy.
The "composition" of an edible bouquet can be varied. Someone will prefer to use meat ingredients, fish or crackers, someone - alcohol and fruits. The main thing is to understand what a person likes. And the taste and imagination will make a gift unforgettable.
A win-win version of the components of an edible masculine bouquet is a meat-beer bouquet.

It will be required to make a bouquet

For its manufacture you will need the following products:
  • - several types of smoked sausages and sausages (approximately 5-6 pieces of each type);
  • - 2 bottles of beer 0.33 l;
  • - 2 types of smoked cheese (you can use suluguni);
  • - vegetables (pepper, garlic);
  • - lime;
  • - onion rings.

To design a bouquet, you must purchase:
  • - wooden skewers;
  • - adhesive tape (glue);
  • - cardboard;
  • - decorative wrapping paper.

Making a gift bouquet for men

To make a tasty presentation, you need to prepare on the table all the necessary ingredients, and then begin the process of its preparation. The heaviest element of the bouquet is beer bottles.

In order for them to be held firmly in the composition, it is necessary to make a cone out of cardboard and fix it on the bottle with adhesive tape and skewers.

The next step is the preparation of products. Sausages and cheese need to be divided into parts, wash or peel the vegetables from excess husks, and then put each ingredient on a skewer.

After the skewers are fixed around the beer. You should not take a large number of products, because the bouquet will turn out too heavy and too heavy.

The final stage is presentation design. You can wrap the bouquet in a transparent film, a decorative wrapper or even cooking paper.
After packaging, a delicious hotel is ready.

It will take no more than an hour to compose a bouquet, but such a nice and interesting gift will be remembered for a long time!
