Interesting Articles 2024

Little snowman

If your kid needs to do New Year's crafts at school or kindergarten, then this master class will tell you a simple idea. You and your daughter go son in just one evening to make a funny snowman from improvised materials. For work it is necessary to prepare the following components: - scissors; - synthetic winterizer; - a piece of white fabric; - one napkin for home cleaning of any color; - threads and a needle; - resistant glue; - two black beads.

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Decorative "basket" of steel pipe

A “basket” of metal is a decorative element that is used to create various jewelry made by cold forging. To make a “basket” with your own hands, you will need a piece of steel water pipe with a diameter of 15 mm and a length of about 40-50 cm. The main stages of work First, we clean the pipe section from dirt and rust, then clamp the workpiece in a vice and in the middle with a grinder make 6 cuts around the pipe at an equal distance from each other, approximately 10 cm long.

Armrest for car

Perhaps every car enthusiast dreams of a car that compares favorably with the faceless gray mass of similar models. The desire with convenience, comfort moves on their vehicles makes car owners look for original design solutions, one of which is the armrest. The armrest in the car - a thing purely individual, requiring a special approach.

Homemade tool for working in the country and in the garden

In this review, the wizard shows the manufacturing process of a simple but useful tool that is useful for working in the garden and in the country. With this device, you can make holes in the ground for planting young trees and bushes. Working with him is very convenient. Also, using this tool, you can transplant already planted plants from one place to another.

Charcoal filter for a plastic bottle

When fishing, camping or camping, it can happen that drinking water has become unusable. Or ended, or spilled - it does not matter. In general, you can draw water in the nearest body of water, boil it, wait until it cools down and calmly get drunk. But in my opinion, this is a long time. It is much faster and more efficient to use a pre-made, self-made carbon filter.

Universal key made of clamping pliers and chain

With a simple home-made universal wrench, which is made of hand-held clamping pliers and a piece of a motorcycle chain, you can unscrew the nuts of different diameters. Such a universal chain key is useful in the garage and home workshop. And to make it very simple. Of the tools you need a grinder and a drill.

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Original invitation to a bachelorette party

A bachelorette party is an important event in the life of a future bride. Therefore, you need to prepare for it thoroughly, having thought through every detail, up to invitations. Original invitations in the form of such a subject of a woman’s toilet as a corset will be able to surprise girlfriends and tune them to a festive mood. In order to start work on creating an invitation, you will need: • a sheet of beautiful colored paper or cardboard, • lace ribbon, • narrow decorative braid, • shiny nail polish, • pencil, • glue; • ruler; • scissors; • stationery knife.

Larger copy of the blade for a construction knife

Trapezoidal interchangeable blades are used in special knives, which are designed for cutting and precise cutting of textile and office products, as well as building materials (for example, when cutting carpet, linoleum or paper wallpaper). At the same time, the blades are universal - they can be used for non-standard tasks, and are also suitable for installation in different hand tools or on makeshift devices and machines.

Connector bracelet

The idea of ​​this bracelet arose when viewing new products in the store, where I came across nice openwork connectors in the form of a flower and leaves. For the bracelet, I added connecting rings and a toggle clasp, matching the color of the color of the selected connectors. The assembly is quite simple - the connectors are interconnected by connecting rings.

The budget option for producing aluminum at home

Smelting aluminum billets for various turning operations or other purposes is much cheaper than buying finished blanks. Moreover, for fast melting at home, you can use any "consumable" materials that contain a lot of aluminum. This is a great idea for those who want to save money.

Wire bowl

To make a sugar bowl made of wire you will need: • a soft wire with a core diameter of not more than 1.0 mm. white and brown; • pliers; • nippers. With the help of cutters, 12 identical pieces of white wire of 50 cm are cut. The segments are divided into four bundles of three wires in each. The bundles are folded into a square, as shown in the photo.

Making biscuits

What is biscuit? This is a small pillow, which, depending on the size, can be used as a needle bed, as a keychain for keys or a mobile phone, as a decoration for a Christmas tree, or simply as an unusual little thing in the interior. Biscorn looks like a product embroidered with beads or thread, consisting of two equal squares sewn together in a special way.

Compact folding storage organizer

Do you need screws, screws, nuts, washers, screws and other small things in your home workshop to be always at hand, while not taking up a lot of space on the table? To do this, we recommend that you make your own hands-on compact folding organizer for storing hardware and various small things.

We make a cooler for the hard drive.

Cooler from a can In theory, the cause of overheating of the hard drive may be a poor quality power supply. Or rather, an overstatement or voltage drop on the bus +12 volts. Even a slight deviation from the nominal value can expose the electronics to unnecessary loads. After some simple manipulations with the tester, it turned out that this did not threaten us.

How to draw a spinner

Do you want to constantly “spin” and stand out from the crowd? This is quite realistic if you make a spinner with your own hands. To do this, you need to remember the elementary rules of the school geometry course or download the finished device layout on the Internet and print it on a printer. Home craftsmen offer several ways to make a trendy toy to your taste, you only need to choose an acceptable option for yourself.

Teapot cover

People who do not like to drink tea are quite rare. Surely everyone knows that teapots are made from clay. Therefore, they do not need to be heated on an open fire, as they are intended for brewing tea. I propose to make a beautiful cover for a teapot with your own hands in the technique of knitting.

Simple pull-out for fittings and pegs

To easily and quickly pull out once clogged pieces of iron from the soil in a summer cottage, a simple pull-out for armature and pegs is useful. To make such a device is very simple. And and for this you will need the most ordinary and affordable materials. To make a home-made pull out with your own hands, you will need a piece of a square profile with dimensions of sides 15x15 mm, a piece of steel corner, a hairpin and an old file.

Jacket and hat for baby

In this master class, you can knit a jacket for a height of 62-68 cm. Materials: children's acrylic YarnArt Baby (300 m in 200 g), knitting needles No. 3 ordinary and hosiery, 4-5 buttons, a pair of additional knitting needles. Types of knitting: 1. Elastic band. Face knitting: alternate 1 person., 1 out. a loop. Wrong knitting: on the contrary - to alternate 1 out.