What to look for when choosing a chandelier


If you approach the choice of a chandelier competently and with all responsibility, then before buying it you need to pay attention to five key points.

In this review, the author talks in detail about the important criteria for choosing a chandelier for home and apartment. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this information - it will not be superfluous.

Power chandelier

The first step is to determine the lighting power of the chandelier. The average buyer rarely pays attention to this parameter, but in vain. What could be the catch?

The fact is that an excessively bright light in the room will tire your eyes, and very dim - cause discomfort. How to choose the right power chandelier, so as not to miscalculate?

To do this, you can use a simple formula: for a bedroom and a living room, the optimal power is 20 W per 1 sq. m. area.

For the kitchen and bathroom (including the combined bathroom), the recommended power should be within 25 watts per 1 sq. Km. m

The bathroom and the bathroom often do not have natural light, so there needs a brighter light. The kitchen should also be as light as possible, especially in the evening.

Please note: depending on the time of day, different brightness of lighting is required in the living room.

To do this, you can purchase switches with a dimmer, which makes it possible to adjust the brightness with one movement of the hand. In addition, a dimmer will save electricity.

Chandelier Dimensions

In this case, we are not talking about the diameter of the chandelier, but about its height. Agree that it would be foolish to choose a long hanging chandelier for a room with a low ceiling.

In addition to the fact that it will interfere with moving around the room (especially tall people), it will also be easy to break it.

Ideally, the bottom edge of the chandelier should be 210 cm above the floor. It is advisable to adhere to this rule.

By the way, it matters not only the size of the chandelier itself, but also the size of the lampshade. Trying to keep up with fashion trends, many people buy chandeliers with long designer shades. However, this is not a good idea.

The fact is that, as practice shows, it is very problematic to unscrew a burned out bulb from such a narrow lampshade. And for some, this can be a real problem.

It even comes to the fact that at the first burnout of a light bulb, people simply throw out a new chandelier, since it is not possible to replace the light bulb.

Direction lamp

In modern chandeliers, shades can be directed down or up. If the ceiling is facing up, the lighting will be softer and more diffused. This is a great option for a bedroom.

Downlight chandeliers are best installed in those living rooms where more brightness is required - in the bathroom, bathroom, and kitchen.

If the room has a stretch ceiling, then chandeliers must be bought with shades that are directed down. This is due to the fact that stretch ceilings are afraid of high temperatures.

If you have a chandelier with shades facing up, then in no case do not install ordinary incandescent lamps in them.

It is better to use LED bulbs that do not heat up so much. And if we are talking about lamps, let's briefly consider what they are and how they differ from each other.

Which lamps to choose

There are four main types of bulbs: incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED. Each species has its advantages and disadvantages.

Of the main advantages of incandescent lamps, it is worth noting the low cost, a variety of shapes and socles. But they have one significant drawback - they very often burn out.

Halogen lamps are used mainly in cases where a clear and powerful lighting is required. Halogen bulbs are very bright.

Halogens are used only in those chandeliers where there are bases suitable for them, and no other bulbs are suitable.

If we talk about the advantages of fluorescent bulbs, then it is worth noting their long service life. They work 3 times longer than ordinary lamps.

However, the best option is LED bulbs, because they serve 10 times longer than ordinary bulbs, and in addition save energy.

To summarize

In this review, the main criteria for choosing a chandelier were considered, and the information received will help not to make a mistake when buying.

Finally, one more tip. You should not buy chandeliers with a large number of different decorative elements, since it is very difficult to care for them.

For a detailed overview of choosing a chandelier with all the nuances, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: How to Buy a Chandelier - Buying Guide - Lamps Plus (October 2024).