Do-it-yourself original brick fence


In this review, the author shows the process of building a red brick fence.

It should be noted that the fence, on the one hand, is ordinary, on the other hand, it is original. But here, as they say, a matter of taste.

The most important thing is that to make such a fence with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. Although, of course, it is desirable that there are basic skills in bricklaying.

This idea can be implemented on a summer cottage or on the territory of a private house.

Moreover, it is not necessary to erect a high fence - for example, you can fence a front garden with a small fence made in the same style.

The main stages of work

First of all, we prepare the foundation - this is a concrete strip foundation.

Rubbish should be removed from the surface, and then pour water on it. Further, the author lays out the first rows of brick columns (pillars).

At the next stage, we lay out the first row of the fence, keeping the same distance between the diagonally placed bricks - the length of a whole brick.

Then the master begins laying the second row, connecting the bricks of the first row diagonally, and at the same time raising one column above the posts.

In the same way, the author performs the laying of the third and all subsequent rows of bricks.

Be sure to control the horizontal position of the masonry using a bubble level and a stretched cord.

Please note that when laying the main rows, the author puts a brick on the edge. And the last three rows of brick must be laid flat.

For details on how to make an original brick fence with your own hands, see the video.


Watch the video: How to build a brick pillar (October 2024).