Why the muffler rings in a car and how to solve this problem


In this review, the author shows how to get rid of ringing in the silencer. And also as a bonus it shows how you can make a simple tuning of a muffler.

Let's start with why the silencer rings. Most often, the reason lies in the resonator. Or rather - in the partition, which is located there. She has the ability to fall off.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to weld it in its place.

With the help of a grinder, we cut the upper part of the resonator, install the fallen off partition in place, and then weld it.

Muffler tuning

Before brewing the resonator, the author decided to do a little tuning. And for this you need a piece of perforated stainless steel tube. The main thing is that it fits in diameter.

Thanks to such a simple refinement, the sound of the silencer will be a little quieter.

Cut the perforated tube to the desired length. Cut it in the middle (not completely) and insert the washer inside. Then scald.

Next, install the perforated tube with the washer in the resonator and weld.

The author fills the remaining space inside the resonator with kitchen grids for washing dishes.

At the last stage, it remains only to weld the resonator, and install the muffler in place.

For more information on why a muffler rings in a car and how to solve this problem on your own, see the video.


Watch the video: Top 5 Reasons Your Car Is Smoking Out the Tailpipe - And How to Diagnose Them (January 2025).