Easter eggs from ... plasticine


Traditionally, on the eve of Bright Sunday, eggs are decorated. A variety of methods are used for this. An Easter egg can not only be painted, but also sewn, knitted or cut out of paper. And it can also be molded from clay with children.
For work, you need fine-grained hardening plasticine of different colors. Prepare your empty egg in advance. To do this, make 2 holes on opposite sides of the egg and carefully blow out the contents. Wash and dry the egg. It doesn’t matter if there are small cracks in the shell, then they can simply be carefully covered with plasticine. Before you start the work with children, think up a picture and do not forget to draw the attention of the child to the fragility of the egg shell, which can break due to too much pressure. It is better if there are several eggs, so that you can replace the spoiled and thereby avoid unnecessary tears.

There are two ways to cling to an egg with plasticine.
1. Apply plasticine of the same color to the surface of the whole egg. Get a background. And then use the stacks to squeeze the pattern, freeing up space from the main color of the plasticine. Fill the resulting "holes" with plasticine of the desired color. Roll the egg with your palms like a ball to get a flat surface without gaps and tubercles.

2. First, fashion a picture, the sketch of which can be indicated with a simple pencil. Fill the remaining space with plasticine of the same color to make a background. As in the first case, level the surface.

Try both. Focus on the age and invention of the child. And the result may be the most unexpected. For example, we got such an amusing couple: a little cucumber man and a lemon lady.

Do not forget to dry the crafts so that the clay hardens.
Such bright eggs will become an original piece of furniture or a beautiful gift for grandmother, aunt, godmother. Easter crafts with children will make the Christian holiday more meaningful and understandable for the child. Just do not forget to tell why eggs are decorated.


Watch the video: How to make funny EASTER EGGS with PLASTICINE - Plastilina (October 2024).