How to remove a broken drill chip (5 ways)


No one is immune from such an annoying failure as breaking a drill during operation. And the drill is not so pathetic as the part that was being processed at that time. If a fragment of the drill broke with a protruding tail, then removing it is not so difficult. But if the tip of the wreck drowned in metal, then everything is much more complicated.

There may be several reasons for the breakdown:
  • high revs;
  • cartridge radial runout;
  • overheat;
  • blunt cutting edges;
  • deviation of the drill from the axis.

If the details are large, and the node where the drilling is responsible and there is nothing to replace it, you have to think about how to pull the chip out of the hole.

Methods for extracting a fragment of a drill:

Use of pliers

This is the easiest option when the drill does not penetrate deeply and breaks close to the surface. Use pliers with elongated straight or curved jaws. This tool is used by electricians in their work. To pull out the drill, insert the pliers into the hole and grab it by the helical groove. First, with a slight movement to the left, slide the drill fragment out of place. As soon as you feel that it is loose in the hole, pull it out.

Remember: all drills have right-hand screw sharpening. To pull them out, it is necessary to turn the working tools to the left in order to disengage it from the mesh with the metal.

With tweezers

Use tweezers. Here, the main thing is that his lips go into the hole and grab the drill. Turn the tweezers to the left and make oscillatory movements from side to side. Use household tweezers with a corrugated work surface to solder radio components.

We take two screwdrivers

Use two thin screwdrivers. Push them into the screw grooves of the drill until it stops and squeeze them firmly with your fingers. Turning the drill chip to the left, pull it out of the hole. If there is not enough finger compression force, squeeze the screwdrivers with pliers, pliers or pliers.

If it is possible to tilt the part, try using a heavy hammer to knock the chip out of the hole from all sides.

Using welding sticking

Use a welding machine and a thin electrode. Weld the electrode to the stuck drill so that it is stuck from the first impulse. Wait a while and try to pull it out. However, it must be remembered that if the electrode is welded to the walls of the hole, the problem will only worsen. He will come to drill the influx of metal and the remainder of the electrode with another drill to get the rest. To avoid touching the electrode to the part, wrap the tip of the electrode with insulating tape.

Broken chip

If the drill bit is firmly stuck in the hole and cannot be moved in any way, use a metal rod and a heavy hammer to push it from place with strong blows. Remember that the drill is made of alloy steel and from strong blows can crumble.
The fragments are easily pulled out with pliers with elongated jaws. Do not hold the rod with your hands, but use pliers or pliers to do this. This is necessary in order to avoid hitting the fingers in case of a miss.

Safety precautions and a couple of tips

To make it easier to remove the stuck drill, drop a few drops of oil into the hole. Wear gloves and eye protection during operation. When a hammer hits a metal object, fragments of metal can fly off. It is necessary to hit the metal rod with a hammer at an angle of 90 degrees or with a slight slope from the axis of the hole in order to avoid blows to the hands.


Watch the video: Manly-man skills: Remove a broken tap the hard way. (October 2024).