Fruit ice


Home-made fruit ice is much healthier than an industrial product. You control the process from and to and you can be sure that there are no harmful additives or chemical dyes. For thickening, you can use starch or gelatin, or you can do without them.
For your convenience, we offer a step by step recipe with a photo and a detailed description of all the actions.
  • 250 g of berries;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.

I will use the jambolan berries. Jambolan - This is a fragrant and juicy berry, the birthplace of which is India. It is also grown in Australia, East Africa and the Philippines. Locals are aware of its diuretic, astringent, carminative and anti-zingotic properties. These fruits are rich in tannins and pectin, and are also saturated with a large amount of organic acids and beneficial trace elements: magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus. Jambolan berries can be eaten fresh or dried. They also make jelly, syrups, juices, preserves and vinegar. The taste of the fruit resembles a mixture of lemon and grapefruit and is often used as a substitute for them.
Few people know about these fruits, so if you want to surprise your guests with an unusual treat, we recommend making fruit popsicle from jambolan.
You can use almost any berries: cherries, strawberries, Victoria, raspberries, etc. And even a watermelon!
To make ice cream, you will also need a deep bowl, gauze, a blender, popsicle molds and free space in the freezer.
If you do not have a special form for ice cream at home, use ordinary plastic cups. Cover them with foil plates - and the wooden sticks will be securely fixed.

Making fruit ice:

1. Remove the seeds from the berries.

  • Pour the berries into a wide, deep bowl.
  • Squeeze the bones with your fingers.
  • Pour a little water in order to easily separate the bones from the pulp.

2. Squeeze the juice.

  • Put the pulp of jambolan in a blender and grind until thick mashed potatoes.
  • Add a glass of water and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. This amount should be enough for 6 molds for popsicle.

3. Add sugar.

  • Pour a glass of sugar and mix thoroughly. Try it and add some sugar if necessary.

4. Fill popsicle molds.

  • Wash and dry the ice cream molds and sticks.
  • Pour the juice into the tins.
  • Insert the sticks.

5. Freeze the juice in the refrigerator.

  • Place the juice tins in the freezer and leave them there overnight.

6. Enjoy the unusual taste of ice cream.

  • During the night, the liquid freezes, so the next day you can taste the treat.
  • Remove the popsicle from the freezer. Keep the molds under a stream of cold water for a minute.
  • Flip the tins with chopsticks down over a large plate.
  • After a minute, the ice cream itself will slip onto the plate.
  • Beautifully lay out and serve to guests.

Such a treat will not only please your loved ones with an unusual taste, but also help them refresh themselves on a hot summer day. The youngest guests will undoubtedly enjoy the way such ice cream will color their tongues purple.
If there is nowhere to put the molds in your freezer, add the swollen edible gelatin to the sugared juice and pour the resulting mashed potatoes into a small bowl. Put it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, and enjoy the original tropical jelly.
Original article in English


Watch the video: ASMR CANDIED FRUITS Tanghulu Ice Cracking Eating Sounds 사탕 탕후루. ASMR Phan (October 2024).