Hot glue bracelet "Black Lagoon"


An ordinary hot glue gun can be used not only for gluing various parts, but also for creating various crafts and decorations. Do not believe? Let's make a hot glue bracelet. Even a beginner can handle it.

Getting started!
To create a bracelet we need:
  • - hot glue gun with 1 - 2 glue sticks;
  • - foil;
  • - black nail polish;
  • - white nail polish with the effect of "crackle" (can be replaced with white acrylic paint);
  • - transparent nail polish;
  • - glue moment;
  • - clasp - a carabiner for a bracelet and two rings;
  • - nippers and pliers;
  • - oily cream.

Step 1. We take a chain, preferably black, because the bracelet will be dark. Before doing this, do not forget to measure your wrist so that the bracelet does not turn out to be too large or very small. Then from one end of the chain we pass the ring and close it with pliers. On the other hand, we also thread a ring with a snap hook.

Step 2. Take the foil. Lubricate it with a fat cream so that the droplets detach well from the foil. Squeeze small droplets of glue onto the foil from the hot-glue gun, they should turn out as flat as half beads. These will be beads for the bracelet. The number of beads depends on the length of the chain. (In this product, the chain length is 14 cm and about 10 beads are obtained)
Note: Wait until the gun has warmed up properly and the glue is very hot. Otherwise, the droplets will be sloppy and crooked. When working with hot glue, be careful and pay special attention to the safety of children, since the glue gun heats up and the glue comes out very hot.

Step 3. When the beads from the glue dry, they need to be painted with black nail polish. It is better to do this without tearing them away from the foil. Then we take a white nail polish with the effect of "crackle" and apply on top of the black varnish. Subsequently, the varnish will crack and create a marble effect. If there is no such varnish, then you can use the usual white acrylic paint or white nail polish, drawing thin uneven lines to get the effect of marble. We fix everything with transparent nail polish.

Step 4. Glue our beads to the chain. This can be done using the same hot glue gun or Moment glue. Since I still had one extra bead, I made another ring. To do this, on the basis of the ring, which can be purchased in any store for creativity, I glued one bead.

The bracelet is ready! The advantage of such a bracelet is that you yourself can create the shape of beads, change colors. Everyone can feel like a designer, creating a unique decoration.


Watch the video: DIY Bracelets Out Of Hot Glue And Washi Tape - DAY 2 of 7-Day Marathon Of Glue Gun DIYs (January 2025).