Household fungus: what is it? How to withdraw?


Often, after buying an apartment, the new owner discovers defects carefully hidden before the transaction by the previous owner. It may be that the house is cold in winter, or not even the floor, or - worst of all - a fungus appears on the windows or in the bathroom.
The fungus itself does not cause inconvenience, but it can cause allergies, cough and runny nose, lacrimation, not associated with a cold. In addition, the appearance of black dots on surfaces indicates increased humidity in the room, which is also unfavorable for human health. Fungus in the bathroom: how to remove?
The bathroom itself is a source of increased dampness, because there constantly pours water and wash clothes. The fungus appears in the most predictable places: on the tile, at the seams between the tiles, near the mixer, in hard to reach places. The lack of windows makes ventilation difficult in such places at home, and this exacerbates the problem.

How to prevent its occurrence? To do this, you need:
  • open the door to the bathroom after bathing or washing;
  • Do not leave wet laundry to dry in the bathroom;
  • if possible, install a battery for drying towels or a warm floor;
  • wipe the walls with a flannel or other cloth after using the bathroom;
  • use special antifungal agents during repairs.

If the fungus still appears, you can cope with it all the same methods listed above, and hydrogen peroxide or household chemicals containing soda. Fungus on the windows: how it looks and how to fight?
The fungus on the windows is difficult to confuse with dirt: it looks like a pile of small size, dark gray or black.

Most often, the defect does not occur on glasses, but on slopes, plastic frames, in corners.

If such a problem occurs, then it will be more difficult to deal with it than in the bathroom. First, make sure that the windows are installed correctly. It is violations in the standards for the location of the frames that often cause the development of the fungus.
The simplest but most expensive solution in this case is to contact a plastic window installation company and change designs. At the same time, leave the choice on swing windows, it is easier to look after them.

If there is no possibility to change window frames yet, you can use the following tips:
  • ventilate the room more often;
  • treat problem areas with hydrogen peroxide or soda;
  • if windows “flow”, wipe window sills and slopes in time.

So, a fungus is an unpleasant phenomenon dangerous to human health, which must be combated, especially if children live in the house. By following simple rules, you can get rid of this problem forever.


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