Styrofoam and plastic decorations for decorative stakes


Summer is a special time. In addition to daily needlework, many hostesses are also accepted for the improvement of a summer house, garden or suburban area. Indeed, beautiful flowerbeds, even beds, as well as developing areas for summer fun for children are the same "brainchild" of any sorceress, as well as, say, the sewn gloves, a knitted children's pullover or a picture embroidered with love.
Creating decorative elements to decorate a land plot is a very interesting occupation; doing this all year round does not work out well. The proximity to nature and the feeling that you are contributing to an improvement in the environment simply cannot but rejoice. And most importantly - the most interesting things can be created even from junk material. And this cute water lily, big-eyed dragonfly, funny frog are made just like that!

In addition to the bright and colorful appearance, these "tenants" are still well kept on the water. Airy foam and lightweight plastic will not let this composition drown, which will make your brook, bets or pool even more interesting.
So, to create such a craft we will prepare the following:
  • a small piece of foam;
  • soft plasticine;
  • multi-colored tubules for cocktails;
  • white blister packs of pills;
  • the middle part of a large green bottle;
  • bag or oilcloth of white color;
  • scissors;
  • ballpoint pen.

We draw the silhouettes of the dragonfly and the frog with colored pencils on paper and cut it out.

Then we circle each pen on polystyrene foam and also carefully cut it out.

Now these figures are completely covered with a thin layer of plasticine, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the foam parts.

Dragonfly combines two colors at once, so when applying a sticky base, this must be taken into account.

Due to the fact that plasticine is soft, it absorbs fairly quickly and even stains hands a little. Therefore, before starting work with a different color, you should always wash your hands thoroughly.
After the basics are “painted” we proceed to their decor. We cut from the tubes a lot of small circles, which later we will mount on top of the clay.

Each section of the body and wings of the dragonfly corresponds to a certain color of the tube.

And the frog just needs to be covered with continuous rows of green scraps.

The insect's eyes are cut out of the blister pack, leaving on one side of each circle an oblong strip with a pointed end.

Then we string these ends on a dragonfly, deepening them to the very stop. We draw the pupils with a black marker, nail polish or iodine solution.

The little frog is worth cutting eyes smaller. It would be better to pin them with ordinary stationery pins. So they will not only be firmly entrenched, but will also look very original.

Finally, the first tenants of your pond are ready! As you can see, they can swim perfectly and repel water well (plasticine and tubules do not get wet at all).

It remains to make a flower. Cut out a piece of plastic for our water lily from plastic, and simply cut the oilcloth into wide strips.

On white oilcloth blanks we make narrow cuts, leaving the lower edge of the oilcloth intact. So we get a lot of thin petals.

Then we twist all these parts into a roll and sew from below with a needle and thread. At the end, carefully straighten the flower and put it on the green leaf.
Now the composition is complete!


Watch the video: How to make sure your tombstones don't blow away! (October 2024).