Cold and warm colors: floral arrangements


Each artist, interior designer, fashion designer, or, for example, a food designer, before starting to create his masterpieces, thinks about what mood, color scheme to choose for his work. It's no secret to anyone what effect color has on a person. Each of us has our own preferences regarding the color palette of so many things that surround us, which we use daily.

Pictures with interiors are analyzed in terms of dominant color. At the bottom of each is a scale with a specific color temperature. This is done on purpose to clearly demonstrate how cold and warm color palettes differ from each other, and what mood they carry.

The task of today's workshop will be to create floral decorative compositions in warm and cold colors, which can then be presented to those you love for the March 8 holiday. First you need to make the background in warm and cold colors. Of the materials you will need watercolor paper, watercolor, napkin, brushes, a little later a black marker with a thin core and a black gel pen will come in handy.

Use a damp cloth to dampen the paper.

Then randomly dissolve the colors in warm shades, because now the workpiece will be prepared in warm color. The table, in order not to get dirty, it is better to cover it with oilcloth or newspaper.

If you turn a sheet of paper in different directions, the colors will flow picturesquely from one to another, as a result, new shades will appear.

The result is approximately such a background.

The same manipulations must be performed for the drawing in cold color.

In order to add complexity and picturesqueness, until the paints on the paper are completely dry, the sheet is still wet, you can sprinkle water on top. There will be additional spots, blotches.

You need to let the paper dry thoroughly. If, as a result of this process, it arches, it should be ironed through a clean sheet in order to straighten it.

Finally, everything is ready for the next phase of work.

Flower arrangement is drawn randomly. If there is some degree of uncertainty, you can dream up on drafts by making quick sketches. Then you can make a preliminary drawing with a simple pencil, or you can immediately draw with a marker.

In the process, you may need colored pencils and felt-tip pens, you can draw some details of the picture in watercolor.

At the end of the lesson, two completely different floral arrangements turned out to be. It remains to issue them in a mat and put in a frame under glass. Gifts for March 8 are ready.


Watch the video: A Winter Warmth Centerpiece, Trends for 2015 (October 2024).